The basis of innovative culinary delights


Flavours Concepts develops ideas, brands and food concepts. Cosmopolitan, curious and innovative – with a lot of global experience in search of the spice of life.
Flavours Concepts enriches events, gastronomy and the general variety of flavours.


Flavours Concepts consistently tries to optimise the processing of food. We use new techniques to make processes more sustainable and increase convenience.
Flavours Concepts seeks and promotes innovations in the field of worlds of enjoyment.


Flavours Concepts not only researches pleasurable discoveries ourselves – we also get promising third-party projects on track. With targeted advice and valuable tips for the market launch.
Flavours Concepts knows how flavours work and resonate with people.

Concepts to experience

Flavours Concepts has already tastefully introduced several ideas and effectively brought them to the people. Our ever-growing variety of flavours is looking forward to delighting the palates of all connoisseurs.

Long Corn

Long Corn is a food concept based on organically grown, gluten-free corn that is extruded to create long, crispy corn cones – with cavities for delicious fillings throughout – salty or sweet, solo or combined. With the traveling Long Corn Saloon, corn cones always arrive. Pure Snack Pleasure delights people at markets, events and parties – wherever the Saloon makes its grand entrance.


The sweet and cool temptation from Korea. A refreshing dessert with red paste made from adzuki beans, ice chips and other ingredients such as condensed milk, fruit, syrup, Tteok rice cake, jelly and cornflakes. The finely crushed ice cream with the imaginative and temptingly sweet toppings is also finding more and more fans in this country. We celebrate the Korean dessert variant in perfection.

Hot Gin

The new winter hit warms with juniper and unique recipe. It is the clear alternative to mulled wine and punch. With fruity or spicy components, it quickly shows its colors. Here, too, the recipe is crucial. In London at the Frost Fairs, hot gin already has a long tradition. Gin is in vogue, and we’re making it really hot for the big winter crowd in Alpine country.

Hospitable jobs

Flavours Concepts is always looking for service-minded people with a passion for food & beverage. We look forward to receiving your applications.